INTANGIBLE – Interactive Show


Live Show · Audiovisual Experience · Interactive · Immersive · Real-time Visuals


Proyecto: Interactive Show

Designed for: Opera Beyond

Programming and visuals: Vitamin

Photography: Otto Jahnukainen y Tuula Ylikorpi / Assembly Organizing.

Video: Assembly Organizing.

Video Edit: Vitamin


The Finnish National Opera and Ballet and the digital culture festival Assembly have been working together to re-imagine the experience of opera performance in the age of omnipresent digitality with the Open Call: Assembly X Opera Beyond. An invitation to come up with creative concepts that make use of visual arts and technology and that could take live performance to new heights.

The competition culminated at the Assembly festival where Vitamin and 3 other finalists from around the world were invited to the Finnish National Opera and Ballet to pitch their ideas to the judges and demo their vision. The event was hosted at the prestigious black box of the Finnish Opera House, Almi Hall.

Vitamin studio took first place together with Violet Disruption. The prize ceremony was hosted by the judges, Lilli Paasikivi, Creative Director of CircOpera, Jere Erkkilä, Production Director of CircOpera, Mikko Linnavuori, Lighting and Projection Designer of CircOpera and Annastina Haapasaari, Project Manager.

In addition to awards of cash and prizes, Vitamin will now partner with CircOpera in Autumn 2022 to premiere their work on the main stage of the Finnish National Opera and Ballet in Helsinki. Together with Violet Disruption, Vitamin will have the opportunity to make their artístic proposal come alive.

Intangibles, explores the interactions between technology and music and the connection between the two that could lead to it’s creative expression. The search for the physical elements to digitize in order to create a mystical world gives birth to an interactive show that turns visible what was not, transforming energy and waves of movement generated by dancers and circ artists in vivid, graphic and flamboyant scenes alternating with deeper and relaxed scenes, following CircOpera’s plot.

We introduce mathematics and physics as the bases to represent the energy that music and dance leave behind with every movement and vibration. Energy that is alive, moving in the space that we perceive as air, even though we can not see it or feel it, it keeps flowing through the ways of nature.

For this, Vitamin uses a transparent screen of more than 10 meters, a frame of LEDs around the screen to make dancers and other elements invisible or to mix them with virtual elements. It also uses 3D mapping to create and animate the scenery, but also to fool the spectator eye. Finally, real-time visuals are used to create a show out of this world, capable of transforming in 2D and 3D visuals the waves of movement created by the dancers.

All the creative elements of the show with the addition of these three technologies combined with the energy of music and dance will create bold and dynamic scenes that will offer the viewer a truly unique audiovisual experience.

Welcome to CircOpera 2.0.

The Finnish National Opera will present CircOpera, a mix of opera, circus and immersive technology. The staging will combine acrobats, jugglers and other traditional circus performers with multiple operatic arias. Enriched even more by Vitamin’s contribution of immersive digital technology, this new work will be exciting and absolutely thrilling to watch.




Interactive Show using transparent screen, 3D mapping and real-time visuals for the Finnish National Opera and Ballet.